Not really drawn to the 2012 Starbucks planner which is woody and might just breed mold in my bag's humid environment, I've been frequenting Starbucks for another reason - comfort food! While everyone's been busy harping over cranberry and peppermint, I've been brooding over salad and warmed up goodies. A better spend for my P150 - with change!
Getting goodly eyed over my latest finds, I took the risk of using my camera phone. Fugly pics but awesome take-out varieties:
1. Thai Chicken Glass Noodle Salad
I wanted salad but what I got was a full Thai meal, complete with peanut sauce, lettuce, chicken strips and lovely glass noodles that I want to eat for the rest of my life. Not all branches carry this salad (boo-hoo) but still, the experience was memorably fascinating and filling. The noodles alone are coated with sesame oil and pleasantly filling and the peanut sauce piquantly blended, I believe my entire floor smelled my lunch.
2. Molten Chocolate Cake
Looking for the Classic Chocolate Cake, I spied only the Molten Chocolate Cake in the chiller with golden sprinkles on top. I was about to ditch the sprinkle idea when the word "molten" grabbed me, and before I could say "macadamia cookie" I ended up with a heated up slice of cake with whipped cream and caramel syrup. To-go. Scraping off the cream, the cake had infinite layers of chocolate, icing and the ganache-like core which we all love. The sprinkles provided the sugary crunch, but even without it the cake was a sweet comfort for the forlorn. Being a simpleton though, I'd still prefer Starbucks' Classic Chocolate Cake, but since it's December, the sprinkles are forgiven. Just this month.
3. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake (So sorry for this ugliest photo. Forgive the hungry!)
The long line (for drinks) gave me ample time to memorize this haiku of a title and choose this over the cheesecake with Snickers. Warmed up and with whipped cream on top (damn, I keep on forgetting to tell them that whipped cream is my nemesis), it was a sight to behold. The entire cake was made up of chocolate and chocolate chip cookies (topping and crust), it was like a prop straight from Hansel and Gretel. Violating my rules of proper cake eating, for the first bite, I forked over the crust portion covered with chocolate batter. I was a table manners outlaw for a minute and didn't mind this lack of refinement because the chocolate and cookie combination was so sinfully joyous and satisfying, anyone who eats this would write "world peace" in his/her Christmas wish list.
Okay, that's a bit exaggerated, since I did come up with "traffic-less" Metro Manila. That's much better than wishing for a planner for Christmas. :)
I don't suppose anyone will be giving me a planner this Christmas since I have no use for it, being born disorganized and forgetful. Always hungry though, do think of me when you see cake.
i liked their pesto pasta salad with roasted veggies but not all branches carry it too (booooo!). I haven't tried the molten cake but the choco chip cookie cheesecake is good.. i like the cookie crust! <3